Easter message from the EA highlighting the neglect!

27 March 2024

Dear Valued Stakeholders,

We hope this message finds you well. As the Environment Agency is responsible for the non-tidal Thames, we are committed to ensuring the safety and enjoyment of all who use our waterways. In our ongoing duty to maintain and safeguard these natural resources and navigation, we must highlight several important considerations that have arisen due to recent environmental conditions.

Over the last five to six months, we have experienced prolonged periods of red and yellow boards, elevated river flows, and challenging conditions. These have unfortunately hindered our Waterways Officers' ability to conduct their usual reach patrols and pre-season checks. This has resulted in a delay in identifying and addressing potential hazards that may pose risks to waterway users, such as:

Debris: Fallen trees, sunken boats, and other obstacles may be present in the rivers.

Navigation Marks: Buoys and other markers could be missing or displaced.

New Shoals: Shifting sediments may have created new shoals that are not yet charted.

Signage: Warning and directional signs may be missing or damaged.
Assets: Infrastructure such as lock laybys, short stay moorings, and facilities could be obstructed or damaged.

As river conditions begin to moderate and more reaches potentially come off Strong Stream Warnings, we anticipate an increase in boating activity. We urge all waterway users, especially those who are new to boating, hiring boats or navigating our rivers for the first time since October, to exercise heightened caution.

Your Safety is Our Priority

To mitigate these risks, we offer the following advice until our teams can fully assess and rectify any issues:

Proceed with Caution: When navigating the waterways, please do so carefully and be vigilant for any unexpected hazards.

Stay Informed: Regularly check updates on local waterway sections of GOV.UK and our social media channels for the latest navigation advice and safety warnings.

Report Hazards: If you encounter any debris, missing navigation markers, or other dangers, please report them to us as soon as possible to help us address these issues more swiftly. To do this please call: 0800 80 70 60.

It is our intention for local teams to patrol their reaches and conduct comprehensive safety assessments as soon as river conditions and resources allow. This is a vital part of our commitment to ensuring the Thames remains a safe and enjoyable waterway for everyone.

Stay Connected

For ongoing updates and a condensed version of this advisory, please follow us on our social media channels and visit the local waterway sections on River Thames: current river conditions - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work diligently to address these challenges and maintain the beauty and safety of our waterways.

For further Environment Agency updates, we invite you to follow us on the following links:

@MariaherlihyEA - X (formerly Twitter)
Environment Agency River Thames Waterways Team - Facebook
River Thames: current river conditions - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your ongoing support. Together, we can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all Thames waterway users.

Best regards,

Mark Hill & Maria Herlihy
Harbour Masters – the non-tidal River Thames
Environment Agency | Kings Meadow House | Kings Meadow Road | Reading | RG1 8DQ

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